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Neuro Nurse Spotlight: Aline (Canada)

Aline Bourgoin To better understand how the neuroscience nurse role looks in different parts of the world, we are interviewing nurses about their work and life. If you would like to nominate a neuroscience nurse for this Spotlight series, please complete our contact...

Disparities in Stroke

Dr. Kazuma Nakagawa, Neuro-hospitalists at the Queens' Medical Center a review of international, national and regional disparities in stroke care affect outcome. We will review clinical characteristics and outcomes among Asians, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific...

Practical Stroke Management

Dr. Rony Salem neuro-hospitalist and vascular neurologist of the Queens' Medical Center provides a lecture to review a practical approach to stroke focusing on understanding the core principles of diagnosis and treatment of strokes and how to tailor management based...