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Thank you for visiting WFNN! Below are essential links for upcoming meetings in 2025. Please select the link below to find more information on a particular topic. Event Website: Registration:...
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WFNN Guidelines for the Quadrennial Congress
Biding Package for the 2029 WFNN Quadrennial Congress Host Nation
Thank you for visiting WFNN! Below are essential links for upcoming meetings in 2025. Please select the link below to find more information on a particular topic. Event Website: Registration:...
CANN Conference Registration Now Open!
International DAISY Award Winner 2023
The winner of the 1st Daisy Award for International Neuroscience Nurse Leadership is Margo Simon, BSN, RN, CPN. Margo is the Program Coordinator for the comprehensive movement disorder and spasticity clinic and the deep brain stimulator clinic at Children’s Mercy...
AANN Annual Conference
Neuro-APP Symposium is Sunday, March 17, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Salt Lake City Hashtag #AANNAPP Website: AANN member rate: $220, Non-member rate: $320 7 CE contact hours Annual Conference is Sunday,...
International Neuroscience Nurse Leadership Award
We are thrilled to announce that our recent partnership with the DAISY Foundation has led to the formation of this award. Nominations are now OPEN! See our Awards page for further info.
FAQs for the Daisy Award for International Neuroscience Nurse Leadership
The DAISY Award for International Neuroscience Nurse Leadership Question: What is the DAISY Award? Answer: The DAISY Foundation, standing for Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem, was created to honor the memory of J. Patrick Barnes who was diagnosed with the...
The Daisy Award for Extraordinary International Nurses
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