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There is still time…. join me in New Orleans!

There is still time to make it to the American Association of Neuroscience Nursing annual conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA! It promises to be an great balance of outstanding nursing education and an experience that you will never forget. Since I grew up in...

ANIN vi diamo il benvenuto!!

I want to welcome the Italian Neuroscience Nurses Association who recently joined the WFNN. They are an outstanding nursing organization led by President Cristina Razzini. They recently organized a multi-national nursing conference held in Rome, Italy in collaboration...

Neuroscience Symposum sold out!

Great news! Our upcoming WFNN neuroscience symposium is sold out! For those attending, it will be an outstanding few days with great international speakers, wine, lunches, an auction and an even better venue and host. We look forward to meeting all those attending....

Upcoming WFNN conference in Sacramento

The WFNN is in the final stages of planning an outstanding 2-day conference in Sacramento, California. Slated for September 24-25th, 'International Neuroscience Nurses Symposium'. Christi, our outstanding President has been very hard at work, planning, organizing...

In-Hospital Stroke: Time is Brain!

Stroke is a common neurologic disease and some patients suffer stroke while in the hospital for another reason. Most people would think that they "are lucky to be in the hospital." But is that true? A recent Canadian study compared 973 patients with in-hospital stroke...

Smart technology for epilepsy

More than 80% of all patients with epilepsy experience a rapid rise in heart rate at seizure onset. Cyberonics has recently released a new VNS (Vagal Nerve Stimulation) device- AspireSR- that detects ictal tachycardia and automatically provides stimulation. This smart...

Study shows gender difference in pain transmission

Bedside nurses of the future may be checking the gender of their patient before considering the best pain management strategies. A recent animal model study showed that gender played an important role in pain transmission and that different immune cells were...

National Canadian Conference

I just came back from the national Canadian meeting in St. John's Newfoundland where I had the chance to do a few talks, one on neuroassessment and another on assessment of the deteriorating patient. One of my talks was with my adult and paediatric colleagues from...