The WFNN is pleased to announce our newest partnership with The Global Neurosurgery Committee (GNC). The GNC, which is organized under the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), defines global neurosurgery as,
“the clinical and public health practice of neurosurgery with the primary purpose of ensuring timely, safe, and affordable neurosurgical care to all who need it”.
Created with the mission of coordinating and harmonizing global neurosurgical activities worldwide(2), the GNC represents the highest organizational level of the global neurosurgery movement.
To accomplish the committee’s vision; “universal access to neurosurgical care”(1), requires interdisciplinary collaboration across professions, including the nursing profession. Initiated by Kee Park, Chair of the GNC 2.0, the committee now has a nursing team led by Camilla G. Aukrust from Norway and Yee Yit Cheng from Malaysia.
The nursing team has developed a strategic plan with specific objectives, particularly focusing on strengthening the nursing workforce in Low-and-Middle-Income countries (LMICs). To reach the objectives of the strategic plan, Camilla and Yee have gathered a global and diverse team of experienced nurses from 18 different countries, a great majority from LMICs. The nursing team of the GNC hope to contribute in the areas of research, policy and advocacy.
About the co-leads of the nursing team

Camilla is passionately engaged in global neurosurgery; she has extensive clinical experience from neurosurgical nursing from Oslo University Hospital, and is currently a PhD research fellow at Oslo University Hospital/University of Oslo. Recently Camilla spent a semester as a Fulbright Visiting Graduate Student at the Program in Global Surgery and Social Change at Harvard Medical School. Yee has worked clinically within the field of neurosurgery for numerous years, and she is currently the President of the Asian Congress of Neurosurgical Nurses.
Camilla, Yee and the nursing team are pleased to be collaborating with the WFNN. To learn more about the work that we do, visit the GNC website (here), our Facebook group (Global Neurosurgery Committee Nursing Team | Facebook), or contact Camilla via email ([email protected]).
1. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies-Global Neurosurgery Committee. Global Neurosurgery Committee [cited 2022, April 25,]. Available from: https://globalneurosurgery.org/structure/.
2. Kee B Park, Adam E Ammar, Abdessamad El Ouahabi. Global Neurosurgery Committe Report 2021 [cited 2022 April 25]. Available from: https://wfns.org/newsletter/253.